Important Note: New Procedures for Use of Church of Building, Especially Related to Worship Services

For the past fifteen months, we have followed CDC guidelines when it has come to in-person gatherings in our church building, including worship services. CDC has updated their recommendations for those people who are fully vaccinated such as, “resuming activities without wearing masks or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, or local regulations.” Non-vaccinated people are still encouraged to take safety precautions so that they do not contract the coronavirus.

Based on the CDC updated recommendations, we will:

  • No longer require the wearing of masks while in the church building for fully vaccinated people but encourage non-vaccinated people to wear a mask.

  • Discontinue online registration for our Sunday worship services.

  • Allow 50% capacity in our sanctuary maintaining one empty pew between each pew.

  • Begin to collect the offering during the worship services, receive the Lord’s Supper at the communion railing, and place the hymnals and Bibles in the pews.

  • Allow use of all areas of the church building (e.g. gathering room, basement, etc.)

  • Uncover the drinking fountain for use once the fountain has been serviced.

Regarding the collection of the offering: an offering basket will be placed on a table in the narthex prior to the service if you prefer to place your offering in it, but ushers will also “pass the offering basket” during the service.

Regarding Holy Communion: we will invite communicants to come forward to kneel or stand at the communion railing to receive the bread and the wine. Fewer people (than past practice) will be invited to the railing at a time. At this time, we will only provide the wine in individual cups.

We encourage you to continue to use hand sanitizers and other hygienic practices so that we reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses. If you are sick or someone in your home is ill, please refrain from attending in-person gatherings at the church.

For the summer months Pastor Schaeffer will continue to post a summer Bible study on Facebook and the church website.

We will continue to provide online worship services on Sunday mornings on Facebook Live.

As always: as we implement new procedures, we welcome your feedback. Please share your thoughts with Pastor Schaeffer and/or one of the deacons.