Our Church
We challenge everyone at St. James to become actively involved in the needs of our church, so we may continue to be a place where all people of all ages can learn about Jesus and engage with the gospel.
Our City
God wants us to love and care for the people He’s put in our lives. St. James is committed to helping you share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with your friends, neighbors, classmates, and coworkers. St. James partners with several local non-profit organizations as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Throughout the year, there will be several chances to serve together as a community. We also have opportunities to serve other communities in the state of Michigan and beyond.
Our World
We work with Christian churches in Rwanda as Pastor Schaeffer travels to Rwanda to teach God’s Word to pastors. We provide financial assistance to help a Rwandan Lutheran pastor provide much needed items for unwed mothers and their infants in his community. We partner with our national church, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and with other Lutheran partner churches and organizations who share Jesus’ love in various regions of the world through their words and deeds.