Music Ministry
Bells and Choir
Bell choir meets Thursdays at 6:00 pm and Adult choir 7:00 -7:30. After much research, we have been approved to meet. New safety protocols will be in place and follow health department's guidelines. Social distancing will be in place and masks will be worn. If you have ever thought of singing or ringing with us, now is a great time to join. Please join us for some great Christian fellowship and music. Please feel free to contact Beth McKay for more details or if you have any questions.
Musical Talent?
Do you have a musical talent you would like to share with St. James Lutheran? We are always looking for special music for our worship service. Playing pre-service or communion music, singing in a small group or as a soloist, accompanying the congregational hymns, helping to lead the congregation in learning newer hymns...we would love to have you join us in our worship service! If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Beth McKay.
Christmas Eve Service