Fellow Workers on God’s Team

Our stewardship emphasis for this year is Fellow Workers on God’s Team, which will start on Sunday, September 12th. The Apostle Paul wrote, “We are God’s fellow workers” (1 Corinthians 3:9). Through Paul, God tells the people in Corinth that they have the honor and privilege of being participants in God’s mission. In the same way, God makes us His fellow workers on His team. Even though we are undeserving, God in His mercy, chooses us to be His vessels through which He will accomplish His purposes. As members of the Body of Christ, we are His hands, feet, and mouth to the world.

God does not schedule tryouts for those He selects to be on His team. He invites and encourages everyone to be part of His team. The people who become members of God’s team vary in appearance, in gifts, in stations of life, and other ways, but He expects every member of His team to contribute something to the team. Although God’s team is made up of people who are different in some ways, at least one common factor is that they are all new creations with transformed hearts (2 Corinthians 5:17). Through the work of the Holy Spirit in His Word and Sacraments, God’s team are people of faith who see God as their greatest treasure. Faithfulness to God is a top priority for members of His team.

God blesses each of us with the privilege of being teammates on His team. We are fellow-participants in God’s mission so that other people “might be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). God uses people like us to do extraordinary things. We pray that this four-week discipleship emphasis will encourage us to be Fellow Workers on God’s Team.